Extension of the Waiver of RMA Financial Eligibility Standards

Policy Letter 16-02

Publication Date: October 2, 2015
Current as of:

October 1, 2015

State Letter #13-09 provided a waiver on certain financial eligibility standards for the Refugee Medical Assistance (RMA) program. The requirements under 45 CFR 400.101 were waived by State Letter #13-09 to give states discretion to use the Modified Adjusted Gross Income (MAGI) methodology in determining eligibility for RMA. State Letter #13-09 also waived the spend down requirement under 45 CFR 400.103 for states that elect to use the MAGI methodology.

The waiver provided in State Letter #13-09 expired September 30, 2015.  Based on my authority as the Director of the Office of Refugee Resettlement and in accordance with 45 CFR 400.300, I am extending this waiver. The extension of the waiver advances the purposes of the refugee resettlement program, and is appropriate and consistent with federal refugee policy objectives.    

Please see State Letter #13-09 for additional information or contact ORR at 202.401.9246. 

Robert Carey, Director
Office of Refugee Resettlement
