Data & Reports

Current as of:

The Office of Head Start (OHS) offers current and historical information about the funding, location, and services of Head Start programs and centers.

Head Start Program Information

Head Start Program Annual Fact Sheets offer information on demographics, state allocations, program statistics, and general information on Head Start enrollment history.

A searchable database, Agency Service Profile , offers information on reported demographics, services, and federal monitoring of funded Head Start and Early Head Start programs.

The annual Program Information Report (PIR) summarizes key data on Head Start program demographics and services. Head Start Services Snapshots summarize the annual PIR data.

Head Start Research

Research on Head Start and Early Head Start programs is conducted by the Office of Planning, Research, and Evaluation. This research guides the improvement of Head Start programs as well as the field of early childhood programming and early childhood development.

Tribal Consultations

Tribal Consultation sessions provide a forum for discussing how to better meet the needs of American Indian and Alaska Native children and families. Tribal Consultation reports reflect comments and recommendations raised by tribal leaders and their representatives, comments and responses from OHS, and areas identified at the Tribal Consultations as requiring follow-up by OHS. The sessions are convened by OHS as required by Section 640(1)(4) of the Head Start Act and in conformity with the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Tribal Consultation Policy.

Reports to Congress

OHS submits Reports to Congress on various topics, including the monitoring and Designation Renewal systems, pursuant to the Head Start Act .