Tribal Systems

Current as of:

Tribes that choose to operate an automated data processing system by implementing an Intergovernmental Agreement, using the Model Tribal System, or joining a consortium must submit an Advance Planning Document (APD) to obtain federal funding for installation-related costs.  OCSS offers templates, tools, advice and technical assistance to tribes as they prepare their APDs.

Tribal Advance Planning Document (APD) Process

You must have an APD to seek federal funding to install the Model Tribal System (MTS), a state system, another tribal system, or to make improvements to your installed copy of the system.


Model Tribal System (MTS)

Top Tribal Systems Resources

Notifies tribes of the services OCSS provides for the MTS

Notifies tribes of critical activities and answers questions about the Model Tribal System (MTS)

A list of documentation relating to MTS design, development, installation, operation, and training

Provides answers to tribes' questions about the APD process and the Model Tribal System

Questions and answers regarding tribal access to the Federal Parent Locator Service (FPLS) and federal tax refund offset

Provides server configuration recommendations for tribes who are implementing the Model Tribal System

Displays training materials and presentations to help tribes operate or manage the tribal systems