Information Memoranda

Publication Date: November 4, 2013
Current as of:


This page provides links to Information Memoranda (IMs) related to child welfare information systems. It includes information that applies to any child welfare information technology project and information pertaining solely to Comprehensive Child Welfare Information Systems (CCWIS) projects.

Some IMs are issued from agencies within the Department of Health and Human Services other than the Children’s Bureau but are still applicable to child welfare information systems.

General Child Welfare Information Systems

  • ACYF-CB-IM-15-04 - This IM provides a summary of key management practices state and tribal title IV-E agencies may consider when developing plans to detect or respond to data breaches involving personally identifiable information, personal health information, or confidential child welfare data. The IM contains an attachment with helpful links for further reading.
  • ACYF-CB-IM-14-01 - This IM provides guidance to tribes that administer child welfare programs funded by title IV-E and that are considering options to support data collection for federal reporting requirements, including the development or purchase of an automated child welfare information system.
  • ACYF-CB-IM-13-01 - This IM supersedes guidance previously issued in ACYF-CB-IM-05-02. This IM provides information to title IV-E agencies seeking an exemption from prior federal approval related to automated data-processing equipment and services procurements.
  • ACYF-CB-IM-12-06 - This IM, issued jointly by the Children’s Bureau and the Office of Child Support Enforcement, provides information to state child support agencies authorized under title IV-D and state child welfare agencies authorized under title IV-B and IV-E regarding the child support agency’s authority to share federal and state parent locator services and other case information with the state child welfare agency. The IM is available on the Office of Child Support Enforcement site as OCSE-IM-12-02.
  • ACF-CMS-FNS IM-11-18 - This IM provides guidance on a revision to the methodology for allocating costs to programs participating in an information system development project. The cost allocation that is approved for program operations and administration should not be used for these projects.
  • ACYF-CB-IM-11-04 - This IM discusses contract terms and conditions and their potential impact on a state's or tribe's procurement activities. It also identifies federal contract provisions required in all procurement documents funded through one or more of the programs identified in the Advance Planning Document regulations at 45 CFR part 95 subpart F.
  • ACYF-CB-IM-09-02 - This IM provides information to tribes that are considering operating a title IV-E program pursuant to section 479B of the Social Security Act and explores the implementation of an automated child welfare information system as allowed under Pub. L. 110-351.
  • ACF-CMS-FNS IM-05-04 - This IM provides guidance regarding the use of commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) software within automated human services information systems to meet federal regulatory requirements.
  • ACYF-CB-IM 93-01 - This IM contains information regarding the security of state ADP systems.
  • INF 89-01 - This IM provides information regarding the provision of federal matching funds for the costs of automatic data processing equipment and services.

CCWIS Related

  • ACYF-CB-IM-16-07 - This IM provides title IV-E agencies that choose to develop a CCWIS and expect expenditures to meet or exceed thresholds defined in APD regulations with information on the use of an optional checklist to document automated functions as described in CCWIS regulations at 45 CFR 1355.56.
  • ACYF-CB-IM-16-06 - This IM provides an overview of the CCWIS rule to IT staff of the title IV-E agencies. This IM includes the CCWIS Overview for State and Tribal IT Staff attachment.
  • ACYF-CB-IM-16-04 - This IM provides state and tribal IV-E agencies submission instructions for a Notice Of Intent (NOI) as described in regulations at 45 CFR 1355.52(i)(1) and 1355.56(d)(1). This IM also provides an optional NOI checklist that title IV-E agencies may use.
  • ACYF-CB-IM-16-03 - This IM informs state and tribal IV-E agencies about the publication of the Executive’s Guide to CCWIS.
  • ACYF-CB-IM-16-02 - This IM informs state and tribal title IV-E agencies about the publication of the CCWIS final rule.


  • None
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